Оценка диагностических проблем эпидемии бруцеллеза и достижений в ветеринарно-медицинском поиске
Ключевые слова:
Бруцелла, антитела, реверсия, диссоциация, диагностикумы, оценка, дифференциацияАннотация
Despite the fact that veterinary science has made significant progress in measures to prevent and combat brucellosis, it is still a public problem among agriculture and carnivorous pets. Brucellosis is a widespread infection among domestic and wild animals around the world and in the country and is dangerous to humans.
According to the official statistical statements of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the newly identified brucellosis disease, submitted by the CEC of the regional DSEC for 2004-2020, the incidence rates in Zhambyl, West Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, Almaty, Turkestan and East Kazakhstan regions of the Republic are higher than the national average (1:100 thousand population). It is in these areas that 90-100 percent of the newly detected cases of human brucellosis are detected in settlements and farms "cattle free from brucellosis". For 2017-2020. In Kazakhstan, the source of infection was small cattle (60.75%), cattle – 28.0%, other types of animals – 0.99%. The main route of infection (72.9%) is farm animals from the private sector. On the territory of Kazakhstan, more than 98.0% of isolated strains belong to the species Brucella melitensis biovar III, the most virulent pathogen of brucellosis in cattle.
For 10 months of the current year, 84 heads of cattle, 141 heads of small cattle and one of the 5 dogs examined for brucellosis in the Semipalatinsk region showed a positive result. In 2020, the average value of bacteriological confirmation in Kazakhstan decreased to 50.9%, which is the lowest indicator for the last 4 years.
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