About the Journal



  • General information about the journal


Journal of science "Shakarim University Bulletin." The Shakarim University of Semey City publishes a periodical known as the Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences series. The journal publishes papers in English, Russian, and Kazakh four times a year in a quarterly print and Internet format. This journal publishes scientific papers on current topics in basic and practical research in the fields of veterinary and agricultural sciences.

 The NJSC "Shakarim University of Semey" is the owner and founder.

The journal's target readership includes scientists, university instructors, PhD candidates, undergraduates, students, and experts from businesses and organizations. It also includes members of the expert community who are interested in current topics related to the journal's scientific subject.The magazine is available online or as a monthly.

The journal has a prepared and approved cover and title page that lists the publisher, issue output data, ISSN, editorial board, editorial policy, publication ethics, and website. It is a periodical or online (electronic) publication.

The Kazakhstan Citation Database (KazBC) of JSC "National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise" (NCSTTE) indexes the journal.

Every article has a DOI (hence referred to as DOI), which is assigned by the International DOI Foundation registration agency. A DOI is a digital object identifier that allows for the unique and permanent online identification of journal content and links on the Internet.

In the following fields, scientific articles on current topics in basic and applied research are published:

-Agricultural sciences

Section 1-Animal Husbandry

Section 2-Crop Production

Section 3-Forest Resources and Hunting;

-Veterinary medicine.

The journal publishes articles on cutting-edge technologies in veterinary and agricultural research, practice, and teaching.

The author's submissions for publication must adhere to the standards and specifications established by the scientific journal's editorial board, which include: high scientific significance of the conclusions; originality of the research problem and applied research methods; and relevance of the topic and scientific novelty of the research.

Any author who has contributed previously unpublished content that is not intended for simultaneous publication in other journals can be published in the journal, regardless of their location of residence, nationality, or academic degree.

All content submitted to be considered for publication should be created in compliance with the Guidelines for manuscripts.

After receiving submissions, the accountable issuing editor checks to see if the piece satisfies the journal's profile and design specifications before forwarding it to the editorial board for a preliminary evaluation. Moreover, the piece is sent for review in the event of a favorable verdict.

Accepted submissions must undergo a scientific review process before they may be considered for publication by the editorial board. Our website provides a detailed description of the review process. The most eminent and renowned scientists serve as journal reviewers. The double-blind peer review method is used to conduct peer review; in a double-blind review, neither the reviewer nor the author is aware of each other's identities. The editorial board has three options: reject it, suggest that the author revise the piece, or approve it for publication based on the review.

It is possible to examine submitted documents for plagiarism based on the reviewer's recommendation. Should the outcome of this verification be inadequate, the author might not be published with the proper phrasing.

If an article is accepted for publication, the editorial board and the author(s) sign a copyright transfer agreement, confirming the author(s)' permission to publish the work in the journal, make it available for free online at the journal's website, and store it in the Scientific Electronic Library.


  • Aims and objectives of the journal

The journal's goals are to raise the standard of specialist training in the fields of agriculture and veterinary medicine, familiarize readers with best practices in the application of scientific discoveries, and give the scientific community a forum for exchanging information on the findings of scientific research.
- the identification of scientific potential for introducing advanced scientific achievements into the university's educational process;

- the organization of open scientific polemics that improve the quality of agricultural science;

- the reflection of research findings, scientific-practical and experimental activities of teaching staff, undergraduates, and doctorate students;

- the formation of the scientific component of the university environment and promotion of the main achievements of agricultural science in the field of the agro-industrial complex

- assuring transparency and openness in the reflection of scientific issues by research teams of departments and scientific divisions of the University, as well as other institutions of science and education in the field of agriculture in Kazakhstan and other countries; - organizing open scientific polemics that contribute to improving the quality of dissertation research and the effectiveness of the examination of scientific papers.


1.3 Main terms:


 Editor-in-Chief - a person who coordinates the work of the editorial board.

the Board of the journal and makes a final decision on the publication of the manuscript based on the results of peer review and scientific editing.

A scientific editor is a member of the editorial board who performs the following functions:

prepares materials for publication and interacts with authors and readers of scientific publications.

The Editorial Board (Editorial board) of a journal is a body that

performs scientific management of the journal, determines and controls the editorial policy of the journal, as well as organizing the process of approval and publication of regular issues of the journal.

Editorial Board of the journal is a generic name used for

designations of the scientific editor, executive secretary, and other members of the editorial board.

Executive Secretary — a responsible person responsible for

organization of work on timely publication of issues of the journal, filling out the journal's website, as well as performing the necessary procedures for entering the journal into international and specialized databases, repositories, directories, libraries, etc.

Technical Secretary - responsible person who performs work on the following issues:

filling out the website and downloading issues of the journal, as well as providing technical support for the journal's website.

Publisher - a legal entity that issues a scientific publication

the log.

International databases - large databases,

analyzing and tracking publications, citations of scientific works of authors and publications.

A periodical is a serial publication published via the Internet.

certain periods of time, with a constant number of issues (issues) for each year that do not repeat in content, with numbered and / or dated issues of the same type that have the same title.

Online (electronic) publication - an online resource that has passed the

the procedure for registration with the authorized body, the information and communication infrastructure of which is located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Scientific journal - a periodical in which, on the basis of

The results of theoretical and applied research are published, intended for researchers, teachers and students, as well as for a wide range of readers.

The editorial policy is the main document of the journal.

reflects the editorial board's stated goals and subject area, its frequency, publication conditions, type of review, archiving and availability, as well as publication ethics. The editorial policy is a practical implementation of (mostly formal) prescriptions underlying the organization of the scientific journal's work, however, it can be adjusted by the responsible person (for example, the editor-in-chief).

Website - electronic home page of the magazine containing

information about the journal, editorial board, requirements, editorial policy, and publication ethics, which reflects open access issues of the journal, indexing processes, and so on.

Author(s) - a person or group of persons (collective) who have made a contribution

they contributed more to the concept, scientific design, execution and interpretation of the research paper and participated in the creation of the scientific article.

Author for correspondence - a person who is responsible for the main task.

responsibility for communicating with the journal during manuscript submission, review, and publication.

The main author is an ideological inspirer and creator of scientific research.

works, ideas, projects, inventions, technical solutions.

Author's affiliation - institutional affiliation, location

the name of the scientist's work indicated in scientific papers, applications, questionnaires, etc. applications for scientific prizes, scholarships, and grants.

Manuscript-ego previously unpublished author's scientific research

a work submitted to the editorial office of the journal for publication.

Scientific article-ego final or intermediate results

theoretical, experimental, or analytical activity of a scientific study that contains previously unpublished and new developments, conclusions, and recommendations of the author. This is also a review article of previously published scientific research.

Original text - the original original text that is not

it was borrowed and translated from another language, but was created as a result of independent creative and research work.

The publication process is a process of acceptance, review,and review.

scientific editing and preparation of the manuscript for publication, and publication of scientific articles in the next or subsequent issue of the journal.

DOI - a unique digital identifier of an item (article) that is used for the following purposes:

used for providing citations, links, and access to electronic documents (assigned via the CrossRef platform).

ORCID - a unique code for identifying the authors of scientific articles.

Mendeley - a program for generating links and lists


Translit.ru -converter and translator of text from Latin to Cyrillic and

on the contrary.

Peer review of a scientific paper is a procedure for reviewing scientific papers.

research papers (articles, monographs, grant applications, projects, etc.) by scientists-specialists in the same field, in order to ensure the quality of scientific work, correctness and reliability of the presentation of results.

Reviewer - a scientist-specialist in a particular field of scientific research.

authorized to conduct an expert review of scientific papers.

Reviewers database - a list of reviewers that can be accessed

editorial board of the journal for conducting the review procedure of the manuscript submitted for publication.

Examination of scientific papers - the process of obtaining an assessment of scientific activity.

works based on the opinion of experts (reviewer), for the purpose of subsequent decision-making and selection.

Publons - a commercial platform for providing a database

reviewers for scientific articles.

Publication ethics ( publication ethics) is a system of norms

professional behavior of participants in the publication process: authors, reviewers, scientific editor, members of the editorial board and publisher, when creating, distributing and using scientific works in journals of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Scientific ethics are established and recognized by the scientific community.

community norms of behavior, rules of ethical behavior of scientists engaged in the field of scientific and research activities.

The principles of scientific ethics are the principles of scientific integrity in scientific research.

presentation of the results of scientific research, which are the basis of scientific ethics.

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) - a non-profit organization

development of international standards on the ethics of scientific publications for publishers, editors, authors, etc.

Violation of the principles of scientific ethics is a failure to comply with the accepted principles of scientific ethics.

principles of scientific ethics.

Conflict of interests of the ego a situation in which personal and/or other

the interest of a person (group of persons) may influence the decision-making process, and thus harm the interests of the participant (s) in the publication process, third parties, the company and/or the organization of the publication (s), including those who are employees of this person (lsc group).

Falsification (from Lat. fake) - deliberate misrepresentation,

forgery, substitution (genuine, real) with a false one.

False co-authorship includes a scientific work (article, report, monograph, etc.), an application for a prize, scholarship, grant, persons who have not made a contribution to scientific work, research, etc.

Duplicate publication is a publication made on the basis of

published research of the author with minor changes, alteration of the title, annotation, part of the text of the article, etc. or translated text of the article into another language, as well as withholding information about previously performed research when duplicating them; re-publication without notifying the publisher, editorial board of the journal and/or unjustified self-borrowing of scientific work.

Misappropriation of other people's results is a deliberate deception that

committed by a scientist or a group of scientists to obtain undeserved or illegal benefits.

Plagiarism - using someone else's borrowed text, ideas, or work

as their own, without specifying the original authorship (without references to sources), or the use of borrowed materials with links in such a form and volume that call into question the independence of the work performed. Link falsification is also considered a form of plagiarism. Plagiarism is a violation of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and entails legal liability. 

Self-plagiarism is the re-publication by an author of their own content.

works, in part or in full, without indicating that the work has already been published before.

Erratum (typo) is an error in printed text, usually as a result of

accidents. Basically, as a result of a typo, the order of letters in a word is disrupted, one letter disappears from the word, an extra letter is added, or one letter is replaced by another.

Corrigendum (Correction) - correction of typos, spelling mistakes,etc.

grammatical and stylistic punctuation errors in the text of a scientific paper.




  • Borrowing and plagiarism


All incoming articles to the editorial office of the journal "Bulletin of Shakarim University. The "Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences" series is tested for independent implementation through the "Anti-Plagiarism" license system for automatic plagiarism testing, which is available with a subscription from Shakarim University.

If the original text is less than 75%, the article is sent to the author for revision with the appropriate justification.

If the manuscript does not meet the requirements for registration in the journal and is not an original work based on the results of a plagiarism check, the manuscript is returned to the author for correspondence to make appropriate changes and re-send the manuscript for consideration by the editorial board through the electronic platform of the journal.

The authors of the article must ensure that they have submitted a completely original work. In case of using the work and/or citations of other authors, bibliographic references or excerpts are mandatory.

Appropriate links to other authors ' works are a mandatory requirement. Authors should refer to publications that have had a decisive influence on the nature of the submitted work.

If the authors used the works, articles, statements, or citations and statements of other researchers when writing the manuscript, then they must necessarily refer to the works of these scientists and correctly formalize the cited text.

If a provable fact (s) of violation of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics is found in an article published in the journal, the editorial board undertakes to remove this article from the issue in which it was published and from the official website of the journal (to retract the article) with the obligatory indication of specific violations by the author (- s) of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics and place a corresponding announcement in the next issue of the journal.

The author (s) of an article in which a provable violation of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics was found are not allowed to submit articles to the journal for the next 3 calendar years from the date of detection of the fact (s) of violation of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics.

If multiple borrowings are detected, the editorial board will act in accordance with the COPE rules.


  • Review procedure


Double-blind review, in which the reviewer is blind to the authors of the manuscript and the authors are blind to the reviewers, is required for all scientific articles submitted to the journal's editorial board. Two reviewers receive manuscripts and evaluate them.

The editorial board members and prominent industry experts who are invited back to review articles also evaluate the articles. The editor-in-chief, the scientific editor, and the executive editor decide who will perform an expert evaluation of an article. The reviewer has the option to request an extension of the 10-day review period.

If there is a blatant conflict of interest that influences how the reviewer perceives and interprets the manuscript materials, they each have the power to reject the review. The reviewer recommends the article's future course based on the findings of the manuscript evaluation (each reviewer's choice is warranted):
     • It is suggested that the piece be published as is; otherwise, it should be published with the corrections the reviewer pointed out.
     • The manuscript cannot be published in the journal; it requires additional review by a different professional.

  • the article cannot be published in the journal.

The editorial board forwards the review text to the author along with a suggestion to either consider the corrections and revisions when creating a revised version of the article or to provide a well-reasoned argument against them, either in part or in full. After notifying the writers via email that revisions are required, the article should be revised within five days. The author sends the article again for approval after revision.

The writers are required to inform the editorial board in writing or verbally of their unwillingness to publish the article if they refuse to finalize the materials. After five days, if the writers have not returned the updated version,

The editorial board reserves the right to forward the manuscript for further evaluation if the author and reviewers find any inconsistencies in the manuscript that cannot be resolved. When there is a disagreement, the editorial board meets and the editor-in-chief makes the call.

The editorial board decides whether or not to publish an article at a meeting based on the reviewers' suggestions.

Reconsideration of an article is not accepted if the editorial board decides against publishing it. The author receives an email notification of the publication's rejection.

The editorial board notifies the author of its decision and provides the publication date after deciding to approve the piece for publication.


          2.3 Free Access Policy

          Based on the idea that free and open access to research findings promotes increased international information exchange, the journal offers direct open access to its material. All interested parties and authors can find all the information they need about the scientific magazine and the guidelines for article publishing on its official website.


2.4 Copyright


The following conditions are accepted by authors whose works are published in this journal:

According to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits others to distribute this work as long as citations to the original authors and this journal's original publication are preserved, the authors retain copyright to the work and grant the journal the right to publish it first.

With reference to its initial publication in this journal, the authors reserve the right to enter into separate contractual arrangements concerning non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published here (e.g., putting it in a university repository, printing it in a book).

It is the right of writers to publish their works online.


2.5 Privacy Policy


The journal's "Our Authors" section contains information about the writers. They include the following details: Complete name, association, workplace, role held, degree obtained, and title.

Participants on the Bulletin of Shakarim University Editorial Board. With the exception of appointed reviewers, the Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences Series does not provide third parties with information about an article that has been accepted for review before it is published. Additionally, the editorial board keeps reviewer information private from authors and other individuals.

Regarding the disclosure to reviewers of information about the author(s) of the paper and the author(s) about reviewers, the journal's editorial board upholds confidentiality. Additionally, it doesn't provide third parties access to information about the items it is considering.





       The following margins are used in the design of the article: There is a 2.0 cm margin from the sheet's edge. Font type: Arial, font size: 11, line spacing: 1.0.
        Structure of a scientific article

A scientific article should have the following components in its structure:

  • The left side of the page indicates the International Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information, or IDRTI Index. Use the website www.grnti.ru to assign an article the MRNTI index.
    • Author information is written in the center of a line:
    • the author(s) of the article's initials and surname (first initials, last name).
    surname: M. M. Omarov; font: bold;
  • Author(s)'s place of employment: name of the university, organization, city, or nation.
  • corresponding author's email address.
  • Title of the article: bold type, center alignment, and a line separating it. It should be clear and succinct, appropriately reflecting the subject. Words that are shortened in the title are not permitted.
  • Abstract: a synopsis of the key findings, study methods and objectives, importance, and scientific and practical usefulness of the most important conclusions. The abstract appears in italics one line following the article title. The abstract has a word count of 150–300.
    • Articles are found and defined using keywords and a topic. It is recommended to use five to eight keywords, all of which should be put in bold font.
    • There is a line separating the article's primary text:
    • the introduction highlights its importance;
    • conditions and procedures for the research;
  • findings;
  • discussion of the findings of the scientific community;
  • conclusion;



  • At least ten titles, with at least half coming from overseas sources, must be included in the list of references. Should the article be given in Russian or Kazakh, you will need to provide a transliterated list of references (transliteration can be done on the website). The website translit-online.ru.
    • Financial information, if any is provided.
    • In the conclusion of the article, the author(s)' initials and surname, academic title, place of employment, name of the university (organization), city, and country; email addresses for each author; article titles; abstracts; and keywords in two languages (English, Kazakh/Russian).
    Text, figures, and tables should generally take up no more than 3 pages and no more than 8 pages in the total amount of the contents.

There shouldn't be more than five authors.

Using computer technology, illustrations, maps, pictures, tables, and calculations should be created and added to the content when they are mentioned. Arabic numerals are used to represent the drawing sequence numbers, and the drawing's name is displayed in the middle beneath the painting (Figure 1 – the artwork's name).

Tables appear on the following page or after the first link in the article's content. On the left side of the page, the table's number and name are displayed (Table 1 – Table name). The columns are numbered and the table's continuation is noted on the following page if the table is transferred to that page.


The literature is registered in the following order:

  • The serial number of the work is provided in square brackets in accordance with the text;
  • The literature is located in the order that it is mentioned in the text which is provided with a link.
  • The Russian Federation's legal framework should be followed while registering literary works specifications of GOST 7.1-2003 Bibliographic documentation. Bibliographic description. General prerequisites and compilation guidelines";
  • When finishing the list of articles, kindly supply the entire list of references. the publication's authors alone.
  • At least ten titles, including at least 50% percent from international sources, must be included in the list of references. You must provide a transliterated list of references if the material is presented in Russian or Kazakh (see the website for http://translit-online.ru).