
  • Гульнара Джаманова Шәкәpім yнивepcитeті КEAҚ Author
  • Орал Адалқан НАО "Университет имени Шакарима города Семей" Author
  • Камиль Дербышев НАО "Университет имени Шакарима города Семей" Author
  • Жадыра Байгазакова НАО "Университет имени Шакарима города Семей" Author
  • Маржан Ержанқызы НАО "Университет имени Шакарима города Семей" Author


Chemical parameters, chlorides, hydrochlorides, mineralization, hardness, alkalinity, oxidizability.


The article presents the results of a study of water from a well according to organoleptic and chemical parameters. Since the quality of the water used in nurseries is important. In nurseries, watering is carried out as necessary throughout the growing season: after sowing, after the appearance of mass seedlings and during periods of rooting and formation of seedlings. In the case of a violation of the balance of water chemicals, diseases of varying complexity and clinical picture arise. After all, water, its norms and quality are the main factor in plant life. Wells belong to natural open sources. The standards determine the exact parameters for the organoleptic characteristics of such water, the presence of nitrates, bacteria and chemicals. Open reservoirs are characterized by the variability of chemical and bacterial composition, which varies depending on the time of year and atmospheric phenomena. The total number of standards for all groups of indicators according to the specified SanPiN is approaching a thousand. The analysis of the water quality taken from the well of the Glukhovsky forestry nursery corresponds to the norm. Based on the results obtained, we conclude that one of the main factors is the water from the well in balance and is not the reason affecting the survival, growth and development of Scots pine in the nursery of the reserve.

Author Biographies

  • Гульнара Джаманова, Шәкәpім yнивepcитeті КEAҚ

    вeтepинapия ғылымдapының кaндидaты, дoцeнт и. o.

  • Орал Адалқан, НАО "Университет имени Шакарима города Семей"

    ayыл шapyaшылығы ғылымдapының мaгиcтpі

  • Камиль Дербышев, НАО "Университет имени Шакарима города Семей"

    Aгpoтexнoпapктің aғa ғылыми қызмeткері

  • Жадыра Байгазакова, НАО "Университет имени Шакарима города Семей"

    ayыл шapyaшылығы ғылымдapының мaгиcтpі

  • Маржан Ержанқызы, НАО "Университет имени Шакарима города Семей"

    ayыл шapyaшылығы ғылымдapының мaгиcтpі

